Allergy Injection Guidelines

Allergy Injection Guidelines

  • Patient must come weekly for injections during build up; it does not have to be the same day each week.
  • Appointments are not necessary for shots, just arrive during shot hours. See our shot hours here.
  • Patients must wait 30 minutes in the office after each injection, no exceptions.
  • No exercise for one hour before or 2 hours after injection.
  • No shots if the patient is sick or has a flare up of their asthma symptoms.
  • Patients under 18 must be accompanied by a parent, unless appropriate consent form is on file.
  • If patient is 16 or 17, they may come by themselves with an authorization on file signed by the parent. Click here to download our “Authorization To Come Alone” form.
  • Patients 15 and under may come with another adult with an authorization naming that person on file signed by the parent. Click here to download our “Authorization To Come With Another Adult” form.
  • It is very important for the patient to keep all scheduled follow up appointments to monitor the progress of treatment
Potential Allergy Injection Reactions

Potential Allergy Injection Reactions

Local Reactions: Usually occur within 30 minutes and may consist of itching, swelling, redness or tenderness at the site of the injections. Sometimes, a delayed reaction can occur 4 to 48 hours later. Both instances need to be noted so that the next injection may be adjusted.

Local reactions can be treated with over the counter hydrocortisone cream or Benadryl cream for itching or swelling. May also apply ice or cold pack to shot area for itching, swelling or discomfort.

Systemic Reactions: May consist of nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, flushing, heart racing, and generalized itching with or without hives, abdominal cramping or nausea. Severe reactions can progress to include asthmatic symptoms with wheezing, difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat and shock. The sooner the treatment is initiated, the better the chance reversing the reaction.

Call the office at 407-380-8700 with any questions related to your injections.

Click here to download our “Allergy Shot Consent” form.

Click here to download our “Shot Info Pack.”

Estimates For Allergy Injections

Estimates For Allergy Injections

There are two separate charges for allergy immunotherapy:

  • Allergy Extract (cpt code 95165) – this is what is mixed for the patient based on their personal skin test.
  • Allergy Injections (cpt 95115 for 1 shot or 95117 for more than one) – this is the charge for actually receiving the shot, this is once weekly for at least the first year, then ideally with decreasing frequency over the next 2-5 years.

If you would like to check with your insurance company, you may use the above codes to have the insurance company customer service check your benefits. If your plan has a copay for office visits and you are told that the copay applies to your weekly allergy shot, you may check with us for actual cost. Many times the cost of the shot as determined by your insurance company is less than your copay, therefore the lesser charge applies.

Our office can help you figure out the cost for most plans before treatment is started. If you would like us to provide this estimate, please contact us prior to signing the consent form. The consent form is giving us permission to start treatment and mix your allergy extract. Once the extract is mixed, any copays, coinsurance and deductible amounts are the patient’s responsibility.

Questions about estimates can be directed to Jackie at 407-380-8700.

It's Time to Do Something About Your Allergies!

Your treatment will be performed by an expert Allergist. Schedule your appointment now!

It's Time to Do Something About Your Allergies!

Your treatment will be performed by an expert Allergist. Schedule your appointment now!